Monday, January 18, 2010

Quin-Tin Ir-Ving

Grandma & Grandpa K came home from Taiwan with a cap & robe for Quin. And even though Mom said the cap & robe are from two different cultures in Taiwan, he's now our little Taiwanese boy. Also, without the cap, he looks like a real Jedi (can you say, Halloween costume?).

Finally - The Christmas Eve Pics!!!

Now that my parents are home from Taiwan, I was able to get our pictures from Christmas Eve off Dad's camera. And soon to come we'll have the Christmas Day pics up; hopefully tomorrow. Until then, here's Christmas Eve (almost a month late!!!)
Just chillin' under the table; he must have wanted to eat dinner with Kramer instead of the rest of us.
This is Quin doing his Johnny Carson impression trying to guess what's in the package.

Apparently Cousin-Ben needed some help reading the Christmas Story.
Never mind, he just needs to be done.
Here, Quin is testing out his new Batman quilt that Grandma Kathy made him for his new bed (when it goes up).
Last Christmas he didn't do much gift opening, this year Quin enjoyed it thoroughly.

Awesome new bath-towel from Uncle Kyle & Aunt Ellen which at first he used as a pillow upon opening it - haha!