Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Adding to the fun!!!

Sorry, still no pictures. BUT, I do have more fun to add onto the weekend fun we had. Right after I posted here yesterday I get a call from Michelle. "I just thought you'd like to know that Quin & I are sitting on the side of 35E waiting for my Dad to pick us up." Yep, truck stalled out on the interstate - yay!!! By the time Dad-in-law gets there he gets the truck started and drives it home. Michelle is now forced to drive the Buick; the only problem is that when she tries to start it the Buick won't start - joy!!! I must say, I never thought I'd would be relieved to hear that the battery was dead but after the truck issue I was OK with a battery. On the plus side, the washer is running again without issue so we can wash clothes again at our own house. And the furnace is running again, it has a water leak coming from somewhere, but it's running! I just wanted to say a big "thanks" to Bruce for all the assistance the last few days with the washer, cars & furnace and to Becky for the use of the washer/dryer and the Quin-watching while repairs are taking place; we are very grateful. So, with the furnace & washer running and the truck being fixed I think today is going to be a better day. By the way, did anybody read the fine-print here yesterday? Maybe you should one more time . . . from the top.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009

So, the last Christmas of the decade was supposed to be fun and exciting, and truly it was, but it was also an adventure and a pain. First, Minnesota officially became the new North Pole on Christmas Eve with all the snow. Driving to my parents' house I felt like I was living out the song, "Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go." We had a great time Christmas Eve with my parents, siblings, niece and the cousins Hosch (who were all snowed in with us). Christmas Day started with a quick load of laundry. Then during breakfast, I notice a burning smell which I immediately thought was Michelle's baking. To our surprise, this stink was coming from the basement and smelt of burnt rubber. I discovered that our washing machine had burnt out mid-cycle! Yay!!! What else can happen today? Oh, it's freezing rain and Quin & I can't drive into my Grandma's to see my parents (his grandparents) before they leave for Taiwan; oh well, we had a nice Christmas Day lunch with the Jensen's before departing to Grandma & Grandpa I's to take a long winter's nap until the Iverson Christmas dinner started. After our nap we started our Christmas day/night party with Michelle's family; also a blast much like the evening before it.

After a long day, we headed home to bed and looking forward to a relaxing rest of the weekend. Michelle & I had lunch with Kyle & Ellen on Saturday which Quin hung out with Grandma & Grandpa I. After that, we picked up Quin and headed for Target to pick up some much needed diapers. As we near the end of our shopping, Michelle turns to me and says "we need to leave, I don't feel good." We get home and Michelle gets sick. Within a few hours I'm sick as well. We stay home from church on Sunday feeling miserable. Michelle, still not feeling well, asks me to stay home from work on Monday to watch Quin in case she's still sick; so I plan on it. Monday comes and Michelle is feeling better (well enough to go to her first round of hand therapy) so I'm planning on going to work until we find that for the third time in two weeks our furnace is not running. Joy!!! And now, to top it off I can't pull the pictures from this fun-filled weekend off of Michelle's new memory card. So instead of looking at pictures from this weekend you get to listen to my play-by-play. I hope it has amused you. As soon as I can pictures up, I will. I can only pray that 2010 does not start out the way 2009 is ending - ha-hah!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

2nd Meeting with Big-Red

Last night we went to a Christmas Party put on by Quin's daycare (thanks, Darcy!!!). And who should show up but Santa himself. Last year Quin had no problems with Santa; this year was a different story. Quin wanted nothing to do with him; in fact while we waited for Quin's turn to see Santa Quin scolded and yelled at Santa for being there. It was hilarious!!! The first picture was his first reaction.
When Quin's name was called, I took him up while Michelle shot pictures. Quin climbed out of my right arm into my left and almost climbed over my shoulder.
Quin did accept a gift from Santa but with some trepidation.
This photo did not go so smoothly - Quin wanted nothing to do with Santa. It was great fun.

Antique Shoes

The shoes Quin is wearing are German shoes brought back to the US by my Grandma's step-brother when he came home from World War II. They're really neat with soles that are tacked in the old-fashioned way. Very neat!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

First Trip to the ER

Somebody climbed up on a kitchen chair while his Mom was making dinner and tipped the chair over. For his efforts, he got a nice gash on his eyebrow that required a trip to the ER and a glue job to seal up the gash. He also managed to glue his fingers together in the process of the repair job. Now with a cut and future scar on his eyebrow, he's totally gonna look like Dylan from the original 90210!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More, Uncle Jason, More!!!

You know the catapult ride at the State Fair? Well, Uncle Jason became a Human Catapult. Quin did not want him to stop; every time Jason would put him down, Quin would grab his blanket and hold it up to Uncle Jason for more.

Big Shoes to Fill

Rockin' Daddy's Shell-toes!

Future Musician

Grandma I gave Quin his very own Guitar Hero guitar on Thanksgiving, but he was more interested in singing along with the music.