Thursday, September 18, 2008

Visitors from another land!

Sort of - haha! My sister, Kris, and her family are here on a 6-month home assignment from Taiwan where they are missionaries. They got to meet Quin for the first time which was fun for the kids because Quin is their first male-cousin. Anyway, they ventured out to our home a couple weeks ago for dinner and a bonfire. It was a blast - here's some highlights of our bonfire with the Larsen Clan.

This last one requires explanation. To the enjoyment of Isaak, I decided to shoot off some fireworks. Right as I was about to light off one of the big rockets, Noelle told Kris that she had go to the bathroom. We have an attached garage on our house so Noelle ran into the garage to go into the house. As she was waiting for Kris to come help her, the rocket exploded in air as it's supposed to. This caused my Noelle to jump and in turn pee her pants. This was not an expected situation so Kris did not have a change of clothes for her. Hence why she is standing there in her underwear with her father laughing hysterically.

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